breaking the matrix

We must not allow the MATRIX to keep us contained from reaching our DREAMS. WE ALL get 86,400 seconds each day, but what each person does with that time is significantly different. This program will teach you how to turn your past experiences into your future successes.
You can live in a world that you dream of, and you are more than capable of making your dreams become a reality. You can no longer believe the lie that you have been told time and time again; that lie that YOU are not enough because YOU are more than enough. You must understand that you don’t have to be perfect to get started, and after participating in this program, YOU will no longer allow the constraints of perfection to paralyze YOU.
Failure won’t be an option—failing will happen, but this workshop will give you steps to continue working toward YOUR dreams. You will be encouraged to restructure your thinking because certain things won’t fit in your life anymore. You will also be inspired to create a vision for your life beyond your current circumstances. After participating in this program, you will no longer be stuck in the MATRIX of FEAR. FEAR will be TOO SMALL to attempt to steal your BIG DREAMS!!
Every aspect of Breaking the Matrix has been designed to assist individuals in developing a greater conscious awareness of the critical elements that are vital to your ability to live the life you deserve. Through the effective use of this program, you will begin to develop your creative potential.
Connections, the final component will help you to leverage yourself, your time and your ideas. The connections you attract accelerate your growth in creating wealth. Members are provided with access to mastermind groups as well as exclusive access to an on-line global network where they are able to connect and network with other members around the globe.
What people are saying:
“Dr. D.F. Arnold’s Breaking the MATRIX Program is simply extraordinary. I went away with million dollar ideas that I can act on TODAY!”
— H. Sapp
“It REALLY pushed me to the next level!” — L. Bryant
“The Breaking the Matrix Program has been a life-changing event for me. You don’t walk away from the program as a perfect being, but you walk away with a toolbox full of the right set of tools for the journey ahead.” — C. Hill
What you will receive:
Includes the complete 2-hour in person workshop or one 50-minute DVD –for your learning pleasure; best-selling book, The PyramIT of Purpose along with your Personal Action Planner. Access to AIM HIGH UNIVERSITY
You can Live ordinary,
or you can Live extraordinary.
Program participents